Judge Foundry

Results of votes will be shown here when the voting is complete. Note: some votes require different majorities to pass, so please ignore ElectionBuddy's declared result - the number and percentage of votes is what the Elections Committee will report to the Chairperson. The Chairperson determines whether a motion will pass or fail.

349992 MeetingVote 2024 Motion 1: Committee Regarding Other TCGs View

349838 MeetingVote 2024 Election Rules View

349837 MeetingVote 2024 Standing Rules View

349835 MeetingVote 2024 Meeting Agenda View

349834 MeetingVote 2024 Meeting Rules View

349833 MeetingVote 2024 Bylaws Amendment 4: Board Vacancies View

349831 MeetingVote 2024 Bylaws Amendment 3: Election Committee View

349830 MeetingVote 2024 Bylaws Amendment 2: No Write-In Votes View

346471 MeetingVote 2024 Bylaws Amendment 1: Affiliate Members View

345495 MeetingVote 2024 Annual Meeting Quorum Call View

345493 ElectionVote 2024 Board of Directors Election View